Every Flower Has Its Season
bloon in your own time
Life grows like a garden — each of us blooms at our own pace, in our own season. Some of the flower seems to embrace their color early, thriving with the first signs of sunlight. Some can be fast but others take a little more time, and it’s okay. Not everyone has the ability to bloom and stand up again after facing adversity; some of us need more time, more space, more patience to heal and grow.
There are moments in life when it feels like everyone is moving forward while you’re stuck in place. You see others reaching their goals, being successful, and living their dreams as if you’re so far behind. But life isn’t a race. It is not a race, and it is definitely not about who can bloom the most vibrant. It’s about growing in your own way, in your own time.
It’s important to remember that we’re all facing different battles, there are burdens that some of us are carrying, and wounds that remains unhealed. Seeing someone standing tall doesn’t mean that your journey is any less valid. Just because someone has already bloomed doesn’t mean there’s no time for you to do the same.
Don’t hesitate to clap for others until it’s your turn
Celebrate the victories of people around you — big or small. Their achievements don’t diminish your own potential. In fact, they can be your inspiration that growth is possible, that hope exist even in the darkest of times. A reminder that one day, your turn will come too.
There would be no beauty in a garden if all the flowers bloomed all at once. It’s the diversity, the differences, the uniqueness of their colors and shapes that makes it so beautiful. In the same way, life is so much more colorful when we are aware that although everyone’s path is different, their story is still worth telling.
There are times when you will feel like you’re struggling to stand back up, but remember that some of the strongest roots grow in the dark and work their way through the soil before they finally reach the surface. Just because your growth isn’t visible right now, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. You are moving forward, still in progress looking for your way, still becoming who you’re meant to be.
Let go of the pressure to keep up with others. Let go of the need to compare yourself to theirs. Instead, focus on watering your own garden, nurturing your own soul, and giving yourself the time and care you need to flourish.
Life is not a hundred yard dash. Some days will be harder than others. Some days, you will feel like you’re taking two steps back for every step forward. But it’s fine — keep going. Just continue believing in yourself, in your growth, and in the progress. For life is like a garden, and it always surprises us with its beauty when we least expect it.
Celebrate the blooming of others, knowing that your time will come. And when it does, it will be just as beautiful, just as worthy, and just as significant as anyone else’s. Because life grows like a garden, and every flower, every story, every moment of growth deserves to be cherished.