I’m Celebrating Myself Loudly This Year
and I don’t care if nobody claps. I’ll clap, real hard.
This year, I’m choosing to celebrate myself — loudly, unapologetically, and without holding back. I’ve put others first most of the time, made myself tiny to make room for their needs, and didn’t say anything to avoid rocking the boat. But not for the rest of this year. I am starting to make myself a priority, and I am not letting anyone or anything get in the way.
I’ve realized that I spent so much time worrying about what others think, about their opinions, and about how they will react if I put myself first. But now, I am done with that. I am done dimming my light to make others feel comfortable. I want to shine as brightly as I want, and If that will make them uncomfortable, that’s not my problem.
prioritizing yourself is not being selfish.
For once, I’m putting my happiness, my needs, and my well-being at the top of my priority. I’m starting to say No without feeling guilty, to have some time for myself without feeling selfish, and to prioritize my dreams without apologizing for it. I am allowing myself to take up space, to have boundaries and to live my life on my terms.
I always let the opinions of others dictate my choices, when I chose to be silent just to avoid misunderstanding, or when I put myself last just to not be called selfish. But now, I am turning my volume up on my own voice. I will follow what I want, what I need, and what makes me happy.
I’m making my peace a priority, and I’m protecting it fiercely.
This year, I’m celebrating every part of myself — the messy, the imperfect, the kind, the strong, and even the vulnerable me. I will embrace everything that makes me, me. I am no longer waiting for someone else to embrace me— to recognize my worth or for the right moment to start living my life. The moment is now and I’ll celebrate it everyday.
I’m choosing to live my life to the fullest, and to go after things that makes me happy. I’m not just surviving, I’m thriving. and I am not afraid to be loud about it. I will raise my glass to myself — to all that I’ve been through, and to everything that I’m becoming. I’m celebrating me, and I’m doing it loudly, because I deserve it!