Love Will Meet You Half Way
where true love grows
A lot of people think that love is about finding someone who will fill up all the empty spaces and will complete you. But here I am, telling everyone that love doesn’t need to come from someone who fits perfectly into your life or someone that will make everything easier. Real love meets you half way.
Love should be willing to come and meet you in the middle not because it’s easy but because it’s worth it. It means being there, even when it gets tough; and giving up what you both want just so no one has to give in. It’s not just one shoulder bearing all the weight with the other entethered. Rather, it is two bodies leaning in, both gazes hooking across and deciding each time to opt for themselves.
There will be days when you feel like your world is tearing apart — when misunderstandings, arguments, and frustrations make you question if all of it will be worth it in the future. But love doesn’t demand perfection. It doesn’t require you to have it all figured out or to agree on everything. Love asks that you come to the table, willing to meet in the middle.
Meeting half way means protecting the humanity of others. It is about knowing that no one, and nothing will ever be perfect, and real love does not anticipate them to. It is forgiving even when it seems impossible, it is patient even when there is none left, and finding a way back to each other even when it feels like you’re on opposite sides.
Sometimes, love is about taking small steps forward, one at a time, until both of you meets half way. It’s about understanding that you won’t always feel in sync, but that’s okay. Love is a dance, a rhythm that isn’t always steady but always come back together in the end.
Love will meet you halfway when you’re willing to make the effort. When you’re willing to be seen vulnerable, to open up, and to let someone in. It’s about seeing your significant other, not as an ideal, but as a human being, flawed and beautiful and deserving of love, just as they are.
Meeting in the middle means recognizing that love is a partnership, a balance give and take, of pushing and pulling, of holding on and letting go. It’s knowing that even with the hardest of time, you will be on this shared mission.
I’ve learned that love doesn’t always come easy, but it’s worth every effort. It’s worth meeting halfway. Because when you do, you find that the distance between the both of you isn’t so great after all. You find that in the middle, where love is residing, where the space for both of you is enough to grow, to learn, and to love in a way that’s real and lasting.
Love doesn’t mean that you should have all the answers. It’s about showing up, trying and meeting each other where you are, halfway. Because that is where love truly resides — in the middle, in the effort, in the slace where both of you reach out realizing that you’re not so far apart after all.